Thunder. Bring it on.

I’ve always been scared of storms. I don’t have an incident to reference to know why, I just always have. That rolling of thunder followed by an intense flash of lightening just startles me.

A couple of nights ago I was reading through Jeremiah and found Jeremiah 10:13.

When he speaks in the thunder, the heavens roar with rain. He causes the clouds to rise over the earth. He sends the lightning with the rain and releases the wind from his storehouses. Jeremiah 10:13

New Living Translation

“When he speaks in the thunder.” Woah. He speaks in the thunder? I’ve been scared of God’s voice all this time? You’re kidding me, right?

I literally could not believe that all this time I’d been trembling over God speaking to us. I’ve desired for so long to hear His audible voice once again, and I’ve been trying to drown it out so I could calm down.

Have you been longing to hear God speaking to you? Have you been drowning His voice out because you are afraid of it? Maybe you are more aware of it being His voice than I was. Maybe you knew it was His voice, but you just didn’t like what He was saying.

God has precious words to speak to you. He doesn’t say things that are shallow and empty. If you are listening for His voice, don’t ignore what He says. If you don’t like what He said, that isn’t a time to slam the door in His face. That is a time to ask Him to work in your heart and move you in the right direction. I pray that when the next storm comes, you listen intently.

Bring it on, God. Bring it on. I want to hear the thunder rolling, I want to hear Your mighty voice.