It Does Not Need Spoken

One of the things that I have been learning lately is the power of spoken words. Did you know that talking about what Satan is doing is not helping you deal with it? It is actually giving him more power in your life. You are admitting that you believe he should have that kind of power over you.

I know, it is really hard not to talk about all that goes wrong. It just feels so… right. Why does it feel right, though? This is because it has always been easier for us to wallow in despair instead of feeling the pain of dealing with our problems. Yes, I admit that there are certain things that need to be spoken about. If you struggle with an addiction or have suicidal thoughts, it is very important that you make someone aware of this.

Those two examples are very different than going over everything that ever went wrong and going on and on about it. Yeah, I know, I do it too. Isn’t it just lame when we get done with a 5 minute rant about all that we don’t like and then give the lame “God’s still good!” thinking that is sufficient?

Why do we give more recognition to the enemy than God?

My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Psalm 62:7

New International Version

He is your rock! Give Him the credit for all He has done for you! In a world that is full of people believing they are “victims,” live a life that declares “He rescued me.” Why would you not want to step back and declare all that God has done?

You can choose to live in a mindset of victim, or you can live in the new and abundant life that God has for you. What will you choose?