When I Have a Calling…

Do you have a calling that you know that you know that everyone but you knows? Confused yet? Let me explain.

When growing up, all these different people kept telling me that I was called to be a pastor. When a kid says I just want to know what God has for me, they don’t mean they want people to tell them that this is your calling and you have no choice.

For a time I claimed it, mostly when I was in the single digit ages. Eventually, I got tired of everybody but me knowing what I had to do. Can anyone reading this relate?

To make this clear, my parents weren’t any of the people telling me it was my calling yada-yada. They were the ones who told me stories of when 5-year-old me proclaimed I was going to be a preacher and then started preaching to my stuffed animals.

Do you know how long it took for me to finally know that I know that I am called to be a preacher? I was 17 when it finally became my own calling that I accepted. Are you wondering why it took so long? Because people jumped the gun in telling me.

No, it isn’t wrong to encourage children in the path that the Lord has for them. That is actually a really good idea. Just because you know a calling for a child doesn’t mean it is the time to tell them what it is, though. You can encourage them by saying, “God has great things in store for you!”

You see, when I was told my calling, my relationship with God wasn’t as solid as when I was 17. When you don’t have a strong relationship, serving Him doesn’t look too appealing… maybe even dull at times. As I was struggling through all the artistic and theatrical things I wanted to do and knowing I had a calling, it took knowing God myself to know what to do.

Let me encourage you with Jeremiah 29:11, though.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 

New International Version

Even when it seems hard and you don’t know which way to go, God is protecting you. He has great things in store for you. He’s waiting to reveal it to you personally when you are ready.

Trust Him and wait for His timing.