Give it to God?

Giving all your guilt to God is very important. Sure, it isn’t right to be ok with doing something wrong. But, once you’ve asked for forgiveness and repented, then guilt needs to go bye-bye.

I have a tendency to feel guilty and hang onto it. Sound like a good plan? I sure hope you said ‘no.’

See, God didn’t call us to live in a state of ‘Woe is me. I am a terrible person.’ God called us to live as His wonderfully made, newly cleansed, and crazily loved creation.

Read what 2 Corinthians 5:17 says.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17

New International Version

Who is the person who did that thing that wasn’t right? That would be called ‘the old creation.’ The person who lives in Christ and is cleansed from that wrong doing is called ‘the new creation.’

How can we move on from our ‘old person,’ though? I mean, I admit that I feel weird when I try to stop thinking about something I did wrong and move on with life. Why is that? This is because we know it was wrong and we think that by moving on with life we are saying that it wasn’t wrong.

This isn’t what moving on with life is, though. Moving on with life is meaning that you are living in all that God has for you. Letting Him cleanse you of all the things of this world. Moving on means allowing God to lead you to things that are so much better than the ‘old you.’

I heard Brilliant TV say, “you can’t live your life with Jesus and keep resurrecting the old you.” Basically, once you are cleansed by God, you are no longer the person who did wrong. Why would you want to try to live as the old person?

I pray that we will move forward in life realizing what is right and wrong, but not allowing overwhelming guilt to stop us from living out the plans God has for us.