Where’s Your Faith?

What stage of faith are you in? Are you just a ‘baby Christian?’ Or are you past that stage but still hiding behind the title to make it easier? Do you know what you believe but are too afraid to tell others about it? Or do you simply convince yourself, ‘I’m just here to plant the seed of kindness, someone else will take care of sharing Jesus with them?’

Sadly, we have way too many people afraid to share about our faith. How is anyone supposed to know about Jesus if no one tells them?

Do you remember ‘The Great Commission?’ Read Matthew 28:19-20.

“…Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

New International Version

Woah, no wiggle room there for getting out of it. I know for a fact that it can be very hard to share your faith, but that doesn’t change the fact we were told to do it.

I want you to take a few minutes and think. Think about people. Who do you know who needs to know Jesus? Now, think about if you’ve ever tried to share with them.

What’d you come out with? Yeah, me too. A list of people and a list of regrets. I’m not saying that you have to shove faith down their throats every second of every day, but you can try to open a conversation with them.

Make sure you get to know them. Let them share about themselves and what they like. Listen to what they believe and why. Try to relate with them in some way, bringing it back to God. Honestly, if you’re living your life all for Jesus, it should be pretty stinkin’ easy to bring everything back to God.

Take a piece of paper and write down three names of people you need to share with. Think through how well you know them and take the time to get to know them better. Pray about them every day and God will begin to open their hearts to hearing about Him.

It may take forever, or it may take 5 minutes, but I’d rather take the time than regret not sharing the greatest gift of all time with them.