What is Your Destination?

Everyone is going to die, that is the facts of life. From the moment we are born we begin to die, some faster than others. We have no control over death, but we do have control over where we end up after we die.

It can make a lot of people uncomfortable to talk about life after death. Generally the people I encountered who don’t want to talk about the after life are those who don’t have a relationship with God. It makes sense that they don’t want to talk about the truth of hell that is the future for all those far from God. However, that being their destiny makes it even more important that they understand what destination they are choosing.

See, God doesn’t choose our destination for us. That’s the whole purpose of giving mankind free will. Each man chooses his destination by either living for himself or living for God. The man who lives for himself, no matter how kind or sweet he is, is choosing hell. The man who lives for God chooses heaven.

Why is this? When Jesus died on the cross He bought the gift of sanctification (being made holy or purified) for all of mankind.

And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Hebrews 10:10

New International Version

The reason we must be made clean is because God is light, perfection. When Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, sin entered the perfect world God created. Sin is darkness, imperfection. Anyone familiar with science realizes that dark and light cannot coexist. It is one or the other.

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. 1 John 1:5-6

New International Version

When we live without a relationship with Jesus, all we have to base our lives off of is our desires, what the world says we should do, and our conscience. Without Jesus setting the standards for our conscience, we aren’t able to have a full and complete conscience.

When living outside of God’s plan, we can be “nice people” by the world’s standards but we are missing the fullness of the plan God has set before us. Since we don’t understand what hurts God, we still live in a lot of sin and darkness.

However, when we accept the gift of purity God offers and walk in a relationship with Jesus, letting Him set the standards for life, He cleanses us so we can live in the light. Sure, Christians make mistakes too and still sin now and again. The difference is that we become reconciled with God through repentance.

Repentance is when we realize that we sinned (missed the mark) and, with sincere hearts, apologize to God and ask for His forgiveness. The final step to true repentance is asking God to assist you in avoiding making that same mistake again and intentionally changing the way you live so that you make better choices.

When Christians do this, God forgives even the worst of sins and we are made clean and live in the light. That is why after death Christians live in heaven with God. Heaven is full of God’s light and only light can survive in light. Therefore, anyone living in darkness would not be able to live in eternal light.

The place for those living in darkness is hell. There eternal pain and sadness resides. It is a place you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. People there live in flames that cannot be put out, thirst that cannot be satisfied, and aloneness that cannot be remedied.

That is the reason it is so important that Christians share the goodness of reconciliation with God. God doesn’t want anyone to go to hell and neither should you. He cannot force anyone to choose eternal life because He granted us free will. However, He has given us the ability to be His ambassadors and share with others the truth so they can make their decision.

Not everyone will respond to the truth and some will even deny that it exists. If you have taken the time to share with them, then you have done your duty and all that you can do for them is to pray that their hearts would be softened. True repentance cannot be forced upon a person so kindly share what you have encountered in your salvation and give them the chance to respond.

Are you reading this as a non-Christian? Are you feeling an urging and tug toward salvation? There is no time like the present to join the family of God! Pray the following pray with me:

God, I’m so sorry for the times I have hurt you. Help me to change my ways and to walk in Your light. Teach me Your ways and help me to honor You. May I seek Your will first. Thank You for giving me Your gift of salvation and grace. Show me how You are working in my life so I can share Your glory with others. Amen.

If you just accepted Jesus, congratulations! That is the biggest decision you will ever make. All of heaven rejoices that you have chosen life and light.

I strongly encourage you to read your Bible daily as well as pray daily. Also, find a strong church community that aligns with the Word of God. Never just take their word for what they are teaching. Make sure that they are speaking truth. It is important that you make friends who you can grow in faith with. Christian community helps you learn more about God and how He wants you to live as well as giving you support when you are struggling.

God loves you dearly. Choosing eternity with Him is the wisest thing you can do.