
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Genesis 2:2

New International Version

Rest is one thing that society is pretty terrible at. We think that if we don’t check off the to-do list within 10 seconds of making it, then we aren’t getting things done.

Working is good and right and God is pleased when we work. Paul even urges believers to work with their hands.

…You should mind your own business and work with your hands… 1 Thessalonians 4:11

New International Version

Work itself isn’t bad. Not integrating a time of resting is.

God Himself rested after creating the world. If the Lord who never gets tired felt rest was important enough to demonstrate the action, then we should follow His example. He even set aside a specific day for rest in the book of Exodus.

For six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, holy to the Lord. Exodus 31:15

New International Version

God wants us to do our very best in all that we do so that we can direct all glory to Him when we are successful. He also wants us to be healthy because He cares deeply for us. For both of these reasons, He wants us to take time each week to let our bodies relax and prepare for the next days to come.

It can be difficult to take time to do nothing. Jobs, friends, sometimes even family demand a lot of a person and can fill up your schedule easily. However, you can intentionally block off time that is intended for resting and spending time with God. Yes, it is alright to spend time resting with entertainment like books and movies but you also need to set aside time to spend with God. True and total rest is found in Him.