Searching for Christ

Do you remember the story of the Magi searching for Jesus? Remember how they traveled far to see the Messiah?

I do want to correct the false belief that the Magi had found the Messiah on the same day that the Shepherds did. This is a common misremembering that can easily be corrected by looking at scripture. I encourage you to reread the Christmas story so you can remember it correctly and pass it on to future generations.

Whether they were there on the blessed Christmas night or they came later on, they had the right idea. They understood that you need to search for Jesus. Seeking Him and even be willing to make yourself uncomfortable to find more of Jesus.

Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him. 1 Chronicles 16:11

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need. Luke 12:31

New Living Translation

As Christians, we are supposed to continually seek Jesus so we can have a fuller and deeper relationship with God. The more we seek Him, the more about Him and His will we will learn. When you are closer to God, it becomes easier to follow His guiding and even identify His guidance.

How do we search for Jesus today? We can’t physically go on a journey like the Magi. However, we can search through prayer and studying the Word.

It is important to realize that prayer is a two-way street. The point of praying isn’t to talk God’s ear off. It is to have a conversation with Him. You can hear God’s calling more easily when you take time to be silent and listen.

When reading the word, I suggest that you keep a journal. When something stands out to you in your daily Bible reading, write it in the journal and explain what about it stands out. God can speak in many ways, and He has a lot to say through the guidance He has already provided in the Scripture.

Sometimes when you seek out Jesus more, you find what He’s been trying to tell you for a long time. If you allow Him to, He can open your eyes to the guidance you haven’t noticed. I encourage you to spend time daily to allow God to speak to you and guide you.