Hanging On for Dear Life… Losing Your Life in the Process

You know that one grudge you don’t want to give up? Actually, more accurate, that you refuse to give up? A person made fun of you, stole your favorite whatever, ruined a relationship for you… the list can go on with millions of different scenarios.

Did you know that holding that grudge doesn’t hurt the person who hurt you… at all? Not one teeny tiny bit.

The only person that ever gets hurt by a grudge is the one holding it. It is like the only person who gets hurt by a hot pan is the one holding it. Just because you point it at someone else while holding it, does not mean that it hurts them.

Let’s read what the Bible says pertaining to this topic.

Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord. Leviticus 19:18

The Passion Translation

Here we’ve been told exactly what response we should have toward anyone who hurts us. It shouldn’t be unforgiveness, unkind thoughts, bitterness, etc. We are supposed to love them.

See, loving a mean person can make all the difference. When they can’t hurt you anymore, what fun is that? Often times, bullies find pleasure in the reactions of those they are picking on. The reaction they never expected was to be loved.

When you are holding bitterness inside, it eats you alive. All you can think about is what that person did. All your motivation comes from your hopes of paying them back or proving them wrong.

You don’t need to pay anyone back or prove them wrong, though. God is the one who judges and makes right all our wrongs, not us. This can be hard for us to understand. We all struggle with that. Also, the only person you need approval from is God. No man’s approval can replace His approval.

Instead of holding it all inside forever, ask God to take it away and focus your eyes on Him. He should be your all. He should consume your thoughts.

I’ve met people before all consumed by bitterness. They never look happy, all they can do is complain, and they are the victim in all situations. Who wants to be around someone like that? I can tell you that I don’t.

Don’t be the person who can’t see what God is doing and refuses to give Him your heart. Don’t be the person that no one likes being around because they bring everyone down with them. Find joy and approval in the Lord.

When you hang onto bitterness for dear life, you lose your own life in the process. You can’t live it, you can’t love it, you miss out on all experiences. You may do a lot of things, but you never truly experience them as God intended you to. Live your life to the fullest by letting God be the center, the leader.