
Does your voice crack when you sing? Do you cringe whenever you have to lift your voice in public? Have you been asked to sit in the back because you sing bad?

We all have those days when our singing isn’t the best. It is true, though, that some people just weren’t designed to be “the singer.” Does that mean you shouldn’t sing to the Lord? Not at all!

Sing to God! Sing praise to his name! Exalt the one who rides on the clouds. The Lord is his name. Be jubilant in his presence. A father to orphans and an advocate for widows is God in his holy dwelling place. Psalm 68:4-5

International Standard Version

This Psalm didn’t say “sing if.” Sing to God! Lift your praise for the Lord! Your voice shouldn’t stop you from honoring your God.

Here is a place you need to be careful, though. You need to be fully aware of what capabilities God has given you. If you can’t sing well, don’t go around acting like you are the next American Idol winner. Not cool. You need to be aware of whether God has gifted you as a singer or not.

He wants all people to lift their voices together for honoring His name, absolutely and entirely. He does not want everyone to be a song leader. If He wanted you on stage singing, He’d give you the voice for it.

The same holds true for instruments. If you are gifted by God in that area, He will let you know. In the mean time, don’t act like you are the only person who can be the leader.

There is a large difference between being gifted and being talented. One can play an instrument perfectly, but not be gifted by God in that area. What does that mean? That means that He hasn’t given you that gift for ministry. He has given you the talent for personal enjoyment or maybe the enjoyment of others, but not for ministry.

How are you supposed to know? There are so many ways that you can know. The way that you should pursue knowing is personal one-on-one time with God. You should want Him to tell you personally. Don’t shut out His voice because you don’t want to hear what He says. Some people don’t listen to Him because they are scared of ministry, others because they don’t want to admit that God didn’t call them to be upfront or in control.

Another way to know is when the person above you makes you aware. When that person lets you know that God has said “no” to a situation, be respectful. Don’t say “I disagree” or “we’ll see what happens.” God has put people above you so that if you are not listening or are unaware of what He is trying to say, He can still reach you.

Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you. Hebrews 13:17

English Standard Version

There is so much damage that can be done when someone takes up a position that God never called them to do. Relationships can fall apart, feelings can be hurt, and chaos can arise. Why is this? Well, plain and simple, because God didn’t call them to that position therefore they did not have the necessary skills or resources. This can also affect those actually called to the positions. It can throw them off the track God set before them, or push them into positions they themselves weren’t called to.

Your relationship with God doesn’t just affect you. You have to be aware of how you saying no to God will affect others. We all do. If I tried to shove myself into my leader’s positions, I would create disaster and confusion for I was not called to that place.

Have you been saying no to God? It can be saying no to His ministry calling or saying no to Him pulling you from a position you aren’t supposed to have. Now is the time to stop saying no and start saying “lead me.”

Take a good amount of time today and everyday to ask God where you are called to be. Don’t block out His answer. Listen and receive all that He has to say.