
Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go. Proverbs 3:5-6

The Passion Translation

How easy it is to rely on our feelings. We know that happens often, we don’t even deny that it is true. Do we ever consider that we may be relying on our own opinions too? Truly, do we?

It can be dangerous to rely on our own opinions. What if we have developed one off of false information? A single bad experience? Someone’s mean words? We could misjudge something entirely due to what someone else did.

That is why it is very important to rely not on our own opinions but on God’s words. We can never go wrong when it comes to God’s guidance. That is the great thing about Him. He doesn’t form opinions on a whim, He doesn’t look at the outside and decide for good. He goes inside to see if something is truly good or bad.

It can be hard to not instinctively pull out our opinion for referencing. I know that I do it often. The things I would have missed out on if I’d only consulted my own thoughts and opinions toward a matter! Or even the things I would have done if I solely relied on my positive opinion of something.

I encourage you to go to God in prayer before deciding anything. That is the only way that you can ensure that you have taken the time to wait on Him. Sometimes He will answer in a second, sometimes in a year. Don’t rush Him because He knows exactly when you need to know.

This all comes back to trusting God with your life. We live in a world where trust is hardly ever given lightly. We’ve all had our share of people we’ve trusted who then hurt us. I know I have. I can testify that that is something to get around. If it happens too many times, then you find it hard to trust even people who have earned your trust.

God shouldn’t have to be on a waiting list of people you are deciding whether to trust. He doesn’t need to earn your trust. If He did, then just read the Bible and you’ll find more than enough reasons to trust Him.

Take some time to search your heart and decide if you trust the Lord. Then take some time to think on whether you have been relying on God or opinions. Honesty is truly the best policy. As always, take time to pray. Ask God to help you to trust Him more and turn to Him for help.

Remember what the scriptures say:

So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him. Matthew 7:11

The Passion Translation

He gives good gifts. One of those extremely good gifts is His guidance. Trust His words.