All He Had to Do

His brow didn’t sweat, He wasn’t panting, and He didn’t have to take leave for illness due to work. God created all the heavens and the earth easier than we can take the trash out.

All he had to do was speak by his Spirit-wind command, and God created the heavenlies. Filled with galaxies and stars, the vast cosmos he wonderfully made. His voice scooped out the seas. The ocean depths he poured into vast reservoirs. Now, with breathtaking wonder, let everyone worship Yahweh, this awe-inspiring Creator. Psalms 33:6-8

The Passion Translation

One breath, in and out in a single speech. How amazing is that! We think that we are so fantastic with our building abilities, but God created (creates) with His words.

How come, though we have such an amazing God, He is not honored as He should be? Instead of being in awe and wonder of what He does, we blame Him for our issues. Instead of realizing He was the one who made something possible, we give praise and glory to humans.

Have you ever done something really cool and then no one noticed? Have you ever helped around the house and someone else took the credit for it? The list can go on and on. How did you feel in that moment? Love? Cherished? Wanted? Probably not. How do you think God feels on a daily basis?

Look around. Do you see a flower? Praise God for it. Look around. Do you see a bee? Praise God for it. Look around. Do you see anything at all awe inspiring? Praise God for it.

I’m tired of not giving my King, Lord, and love the honor that He deserves. In this world where it seems like some people strive to upset Him, I want to strive to make Him feel loved. Now is not the time for rebellion. Now is the time to realize all that God has done. Join me in letting God know He is loved.