The Only Way

Jesus replied, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

New English Translation

There was a high school in a town we used to live in that taught their students that every religion serves the same God, just with different terms and avenues to their salvation. I’m not even making that up.

So, clearly there are people in the world who think that Christianity and Islamic beliefs and Buddhist tradition and on all come to the same eternal end. However, if the teacher of that class had taken the time to read scripture in it’s entirety, they would have realized that Christianity is the only true religion and that other religions are not equal to it.

See, the reason that no other religion can be considered equal to Christianity is because first of all they are all so different that they have their own designating names. Second of all, every other religion besides Christianity finds heavy roots in human involvement in salvation and demonic presences.

Yet, when it comes to Christianity, the real clue to why it is the only true religion is found in the passage above. Jesus is the only way to the Father, the only way to salvation. So, for another religion to say that we have to worship Buddha or another false god is to directly contradict the truth.

Have you found yourself trying to find answers in other religions? There is no time like the present to stop and realign yourself with God. Yes, He is hurt when we look to false gods for guidance, but He doesn’t stop you from coming back to Him if you want.

Remember, there is only one way to salvation, and it’s not Buddha or any other god. If you want to have eternal life with Jesus, just do the following:

  1. Admit that you have wronged God and then repent, which is an active turning from wrong behavior and embracing of a godly lifestyle.
  2. Ask Jesus to cleanse you of your sins and to be the Lord of your life.
  3. Actively pursue Jesus’ will and plan.

If you have decided to follow Jesus today, pray this prayer with me.

Dear God, I am so sorry that I’ve hurt you. Please forgive me. I want to honor you with my life. Help me to walk in what your will and plan is for my life. Amen

If you prayed that prayer, congratulations and welcome to the family of God! He loves you so much and all of heaven rejoices when just one person is saved. Know that you are cherished and that He’s been waiting for this moment your whole life.