Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

New International Version

Have you ever been accused of being a mistrusting person? I have. Coupled with the other insults and put downs, that one stood out the most. Why? Because it wasn’t that I was being mistrusting. I don’t even know where that came from. The thing that was happening was I was trusting God more than humans. But apparently that constitutes being mistrusting.

See, when it comes to making decisions and making sure others are safe, I am 100% going to trust what God has said over what others want. However, what God said and what others said was not lining up. Worse yet, since there was one of me and four of the others, I was told that “as scripture says to test a word from God we have done, and we have not received confirmation.”

First off, scripture does not say that you should test a warning from God. That’s straight up stupid. A warning is a warning. Second of all, in the Old Testament there are numerous times that a prophet has brought a warning or a word from God that thousands disagree with but is still right. So, sorry for trusting God more, but just trying to live scripture here.

So, what is the real problem here? Well, it’s a problem of trust. I trusted in God more and they trusted in what they have usually done and what they thought would be a good idea. But what would the proper action have been? “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

They were leaning on their own understanding of what was going on rather than trusting what the Lord was telling someone who was used to hearing the Lord speak in such a fashion.

Are you struggling with trusting God? There are numerous times in our lives that what He says doesn’t line up with what we want. However, if we truly trust Him with all our heart, then we’ll be able to let go of what we want and move into what He says. Take some time right now and ask God to show you whether you’ve been walking in trust or in your own way. Be aware that you may not like what He says. It’s natural to be upset when you find out you’re wrong. The way to be constructive, though, is to move past the initial hurt and to step into making a change in your life.

When you make the change in your life to begin listening to God, you’ll be amazed by how much He wants to interact with you and your decision making. Just a few examples of the decisions He’s helped me with are where to sit in a van (which saved my life), what camp not to attend (which then made a way for me to go to another camp and make a long-time friend), and when to reach out to people to ask how I can be praying for them (which is always God’s timing of when someone needs support). Once we trust Him more, our ears will be tuned and ready to hear all He has for us.