
Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace. Romans 6:14

New Living Translation

If you live in America, then you know the significance of today. July 4th, 1776, America became a free country. Today we continue to celebrate the fact that we are no longer under British rule, and that we can now pursue our own versions of the “American Dream.”

Independence Day is a huge part of American history. We even have a song with the line, “I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.” Freedom is ingrained in our very being as Americans. It’s what makes us proud to live where we are, and why many people try to leave their countries to come live in ours.

However, true freedom isn’t found in America. It isn’t found in Britian. It isn’t found in Russia. True freedom is not found in this world. Sure, we celebrate Independence Day in America because in 1776 our Founding Fathers made a way for the best human-made freedom we could find. Yet, that freedom isn’t even the fullest and truest form of freedom. Compared to real freedom, independence is a joke.

What is real freedom? Well, Romans 6:14 told us exactly what that is. “Sin is no longer your master … you live under the freedom of God’s grace.”

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin was brought into the world. We became slaves, chained to the temptations that held us to our wrong doings. However, when Jesus died on the cross, we were given an escape route. We were given the opportunity to run away from our sin and be made right with God. Christians have another Independence Day besides that of the 4th of July. Jesus’ death on the cross marks the true Independence Day for all mankind, not just Americans.

True freedom isn’t being able to own your own business or invent a new car or even being able to marry who you please. Independence is being released from your sin so that you can worship God with your entire being. This freedom is a gift from God that we have to choose to accept. He’s not going to force it on us, nor is it something that we’re just automatically born into like American independence. Rather, we have to trust God, believe in Jesus, and live our lives for the glory of the Lord.

Do you have true freedom? If not, there is no time like the present to accept it. I encourage you to pray the following prayer with me, whether this is your first-time accepting God’s freedom or your twentieth time.

Dear God, thank you that in you I can find true freedom. Please forgive me of all my sins and help me to change the way that I live so that I honor you completely. May I always pursue your will alone. Amen

If it was your first time accepting true freedom in Christ, congratulations! This is a big step, and you need to share it with someone you trust. Remember, since you’ve accepted freedom, you need to shut the door on your slave driver called sin. Those things you do that you know are wrong and hurt you and others, or even those things that you think feel good, but you know aren’t right, those are the sins you need to let go of.

Those things you used to do no longer have a place in your life. Whatever drags you into doing those wrong things, whether it be a TV show, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, or a best friend or anything else, you need to cut off their influence so you can cut off the sin. Separation from the problem is the only way to truly find freedom. See, freedom and continued sin do not work together. It’s either one or the other. Ask God for help, and He will be your support as you move toward freedom in Him rather than slavery in your sin.