Never Too Young for God

Let no one look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in your speech, conduct, love, faithfulness, and purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

New English Translation

I just recently came back from church camp with 35 kids grades 3rd-6th. I know for a fact some of you just thought, “you brave soul.” Not going to lie, I’m right there with you. It’s not easy to take that many kids on a trip. However, every single moment, even the yucky throw up and band aide worthy moments, were all worth what happened at the second altar call.

That night cabin coaches were asked to come to the front so that our children could come up for prayer. As the lead girl cabin coach for our church, I went up to pray. Almost all, if not all, our girls came up for prayer. I prayed over them, which already was a wonderful experience. However, that wasn’t even the best part.

When all my girls had been prayed over, my fellow female coach pointed out that one of our boys was crying on the stage and looked like he needed someone. So, I went across the room and began to pray with him. I held out my hands and as soon as his touched mine I got goose bumps from the presence of God. Together we continued to pray.

As we prayed, he began to sob uncontrollably, and I began to laugh with the purest of joy. That boy was so close to God in that moment, it was beautiful to watch. Even more beautiful was the fact he wanted to help others get to that place. When I asked him to pray with one of our other boy campers, he just began ministering to and with him.

In that moment, I knew he was going to be a spiritual leader. I even went up to the District Youth Director and began telling her about his experience and how I believed he was going to be a spiritual leader. When I finished talking with her, I turned around to find him praying over other campers. In that moment, I knew it was God confirming that he would indeed be a spiritual leader.

What I loved was his spiritual maturity in his ministering. Many people assume that when they see a circle of people praying, they should insert themselves so they can add their “spiritual two cents worth.” However, this boy didn’t do that. He stood a small distance away and prayed over them without disrupting the spiritual experience they were already having. A boy who could be no more than 12 already was practicing more spiritual maturity than the majority of adults I have encountered in my life. I was beyond impressed.

So, when people talk about how kids get too bored in church and that they can’t understand Christianity or experience the Holy Spirit moving in their life, they haven’t experienced real life. Kids don’t need a comfortable little children’s room to keep them from dealing with the meat of church, faith, and Christianity. They need spiritually strong people willing to pour into them and believe that God will begin using them before they can even drive.

The first time that I heard from God, I was either 6 or 7. If my parents had raised me to believe that Christianity were too hard for me and that I couldn’t grasp it all, then I would not have known what God was telling me… and I would be dead. God told me where to sit in our van at the age of 6 or 7, which saved me from being cut in half. He was so specific that He made sure I was seated where I wouldn’t be embedded with glass either. Now try to tell me that God can’t use kids.

When are we going to realize that God is more powerful and wonderful than us? If we truly believed that, then we wouldn’t put restrictions on Him like believing He’s only for adults. So, where do you fall? Do you embrace the One True God who can use kids and adults for His glory? Or do you believe in a God who fits a man-made mold?

I realize that I’ve stepped on a lot of toes. Quite frankly, I don’t care. I’m tired of people disregarding and rejecting God’s ability to use kids and young adults. Doesn’t matter how old you are. You can encounter God and you can hear Him speaking to you. Never let anyone tell you any differently. Trust me, I’m a licensed pastor and I still have people not believe me when I have encountered God or He has spoken to me. So, if you’re a kid or a young adult reading this, remember this:

God wants to use you in powerful ways right now. He doesn’t see you as a helpless child. He sees you as a spiritual warrior ready for battle.

Now, if you’re an older person reading this and you’re struggling with this or straight-up ticked off, remember this:

If we can put restrictions on people being too young to be used by God, then there is a limitation on how old you can be. It’s a two-way street.

God is not like us. He has no limitations. Let’s stop making up roadblocks for Him. Let God use you now, whether you are 6 or 60 or 98, let Him do His thing.