Pray With Me

When he speaks in the thunder, the heavens roar with rain. He causes the clouds to rise over the earth. He sends the lightning with the rain and releases the wind from his storehouses. Jeremiah 10:13

New Living Translation

So, here I am, listening to the storm outside. Rain is falling and thunder roars. Then I remembered something, God speaks in the thunder.

Back up several hours. There is someone that is not listening to what God is saying for numerous reasons. No matter what you say, this person tunes you out… even God. So, here I am, left livin’ on a prayer (yes, that was on purpose). I’ve just got to pray that somehow, someway, this person will turn back toward God before making the worst decision of their life.

So, what on earth does this have to do with the thunder? As I was listening, I remembered a song I wrote about God speaking through the thunder. I decided that I needed to pray that over this person. Pray that they would hear God’s voice through the thunder. Then I remembered something else…

A lightning strike can break a rock.

So, this person that the only thing left to do is pray, this person has a heart of stone. They only want God when they can make Him fit their desires. This person cannot hear anyone speak reason and truth because their heart is stone.

Now I’m praying a different prayer, more intentional. I’m praying that when God speaks through the thunder, He’ll strike her heart with His truth and break the heart of stone. Please join me in praying for this person.

This prayer isn’t exclusive to the person I’m praying for. Do you know someone who has a heart of stone? Pray that God will speak to them through the thunder and strike their heart with lightning (His glory and truth) and break their heart of stone. Sometimes the only thing you can do is pray an intense prayer.

I hope that you do pray along with me for this person. You don’t know who this is, but God does. Sometimes the most intense and powerful prayers are prayed when you don’t know the person because you don’t have preexisting wants and biases and junk attached to it. If you want me to join you in praying for someone, let me know by using this link. God can do what man cannot.