God’s Space

God designed humans to go all in for Him. However, if we give up the space in our lives designated for God, we will find ourselves going all in for whatever we gave up His space for.

There is no better term to describe God’s lacking replacements than “obsession.” Dictionary.com’s top definition for “obsession” is “the domination of one’s thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.” That sure sounds like an all-in to me, which is why I describe anything that is replacing God in a person’s life as an obsession.

Instead of your life being determined by God’s plan and will, this obsession steers you in whatever worldly direction feeds the obsession best. Understand clearly that obsessions are traps set cleverly by Satan. These traps appear to give you something you have always wanted but actually gives you a distraction that leads you farther from God.

I have fallen into several traps over the years. They lead to uncomfortable and lonely feeling places. Doesn’t matter whether your trap in a cellphone, a person, or something completely different, it will lead to a bad place. The only way to get out of a trap is to separate yourself from it and replace it with what that space was supposed to be for; God.

Matthew 22:37-38 gives us a great lesson of what we are supposed to live like:

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment…” Matthew 22:37-38

New International Version

To escape the trap, you have to focus entirely on God by giving all your energy to living for Him and His plan. Living this way helps you draw ever closer to God. The closer you are to God, the harder it is for Satan to trap you. However, we are human and do not take this as meaning you will never be trapped again. I am saying that it will be more difficult for Satan to succeed, and you will have an easier time identifying when you have fallen into a trap.

So many people are stuck in traps for such long times simply because of themselves. They live in denial. Instead of listening to the warnings others place before them, they run head first farther into the trap. Do yourself a favor and listen to the warnings of the wise. Denying the obvious isn’t going to make the situation better.

When someone who has known you forever warns you about what you are doing, listen and go to prayer and the scriptures to confirm what they are saying. The reason it is so important to listen to warnings from those who have known you for a long time is because they know how you usually act. They can identify when your behavior and habits change and alert you to this.

Stay close to God. Draw ever nearer. Do not let anything or anyone tear you away from God. He loves you and has wonderful plans for you.