Honor with Your Heart

You can honor someone with your words and disrespect them in your heart. Basically, make them feel good with your words but let your true feelings come out in your heart.

Did you know that you can honor God with your words and still dishonor Him in your heart? Seriously. You can tell others how much you love God and everything and still in your heart think about how much work you think honoring God is.

“This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me…” Matthew 15:8

English Standard Version

Take a few seconds and examine yourself. In your heart, do you honor God? Or do you talk it up just for image?

What does it mean to truly honor God with your heart? We are imperfect humans, so we can’t achieve total perfection. We can take the time to allow God to show us what steps to take in life.

You see, when you have a relationship with God, your life begins to change. Often, things that used to satisfy you are removed from your life because they only satisfied you in a worldly way. God is the only true satisfaction in this world.

Things that are morally and spiritually wrong are no longer satisfactory. Things that bother God begin to bother you because you are allowing Him to form you into His image. When we were designed, God created us in His image. When we sinned, we basically told God to get out of our way and stop making us like Him. What we didn’t realize, or maybe we did and didn’t like it, was that by separating ourselves from God, we actually separated ourselves from living life to the fullest.

Are you on the fence of faith? I want you to know that the fence is a myth. There is no fence. You are either 110% given to God or you are against Him. We have done ourselves a disservice by toying with the idea that we can live with one foot in God and one in the world. You can’t say to your spouse “I am wholly yours” and then go sleep with another man or woman. You are either wholly your spouse’s or not your spouse’s at all.

I realize that many of my readers are uncomfortable with the analogy above. Sorry, but I can’t clean up this world for you. When you walk away from God, you are cheating on God. Are you His? Or are you the world’s?

I don’t want you to wait until tomorrow or even an hour later to decide whether you are going to follow Jesus. What if you died from choking on your lunch? I don’t want to hear that you died without deciding where you stand with God. I pray that you give yourself entirely to God. Not because I want you to; because you want to live with God in the now and in eternity. Don’t deprive yourself from all that God has for you.