Even in the Darkest Valley

We all have those times when it seems like our world is falling apart. For some, it seems to happen more often. This is a time when it is easy for fear, doubt, and discouragement to win, but we cannot let them win.

Most people have read, heard, or recited Psalm 23:4. Even Tobymac references it in one of his songs. If we are so familiar with it, and dare I say surrounded by it, why are we still not living it?

Let’s read Psalm 23:4 again.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

New International Version

Let’s back up two steps before we move any farther into this. Some of the less familiar readers (and a few of the familiar ones) are cocking their head saying, “What on earth? Your rod and staff? IS HE BEATING ME?! That is not comforting to me.” Ok, so that is probably a little more dramatic than what you were thinking, but I got the essence.

The reason that it speaks of His rod and staff is because God is often referred to as our shepherd. You know, we are the sheep, He is the shepherd. The big, bad wolf tries to eat little me and pow, smack that puppy with a rod and staff! Basically, it is a metaphor to say He is watching out for you, got your back.

With that understanding now we can look at the verse as a whole. “I will fear no evil.” Not I can fear no evil, I might fear no evil, or check back next week and we’ll see. I will fear no evil because God protects me! Back to the shepherd thing. If the sheep (you) is eating along on some grass and knows that the shepherd is going to protect it from harm, do you think it spends all its waking hours thinking, “Oh my goodness, I think that piece of grass just twitched! Was that a howl? Wait, that was my stomach. Oh goodness, what if a big scary wolf comes along!” No, it is satisfied to be eating the grass the shepherd brought it to.

Do you spend every waking hour worrying about what might happen next? Now is the time to take a step back and realize that there is no reason to fear. God has your back. He doesn’t take extended coffee breaks or bathroom breaks or get lost in a movie. He is 100% committed to making sure you are safe and secure with Him. That does not mean that bad things don’t happen. It does mean that when they do, you can trust that God is going to help you make it through.