Prayer Guide 1.0

Occasionally I will be posting a prayer guide that you can follow along with as long as you wish. This guide does not make the prayer any “better” or “more holy,” but it does assist in us coming together for the same request.

Prayer Guide 1.0 is for the persecuted. As I’ve mentioned to my subscribers, in America we are privileged to face far less obvious persecution for Christianity. It is true that we are not free from the horror, but we are not having to live in fear of everything we know as life being destroyed.

There are so many countries that constant fear is just a part of being a follower of Christ. Within those countries, there are even more cities that differentiate how they treat Christians. Some places are better than others. Just like you can go a mile and suddenly run into rain after having been in sunshine, you can be in a light persecution area and move quickly into heavy oppression.

I’m not going to narrow this prayer guide down to a specific country, though I may do that in other guides. This time I want us to gather together and pray for all Christians. Pray that we may all stand strong in faith despite the attacks from all directions. No matter how dark the world may seem, there is still hope. Our God will forever and always be God.

What can I pray?

  1. That oppression of religious freedom will be lifted all over the world.
  2. That leaders who refuse to honor the Lord will be turned to Him.
  3. That Christians will stand firm in their beliefs.
  4. That we may be encouraged by eternal life with Jesus.
  5. That any intending to betray Christians will quickly turn their lives over to the Lord.
  6. That those being wrongly held in prison will be released and find peace in Jesus.
  7. That God will be our center in all situations.

These are just a few guides that can be used during this prayer time. Don’t feel like you have to hit all these points or that you can’t add on something else. God is ready to listen to us, but remember to also approach Him with open ears.

If you personally need prayer and would like myself and other readers to join you in prayer, send your prayer through The Prayer Wall. Once you’ve done so, Quill will read your prayer and post it on the prayer wall for others to join in.