Got No Worries?

Almost everyone is familiar with the catchy song from The Lion King “Hakuna Matata.” The characters sing a toe-tapping song that says, ‘got no worries for the rest of my days.’

Is that really true? No worries? I know that I say ‘no worries’ all the time, kind of like others say ‘no problem.’ Am I really honest when I say ‘no worries?’

In my own life, even a few minutes before typing these words, I have worried myself into tears. Maybe you are worrying right now too. Are you scared about an outcome? Or concerned for a loved one? Maybe you are just anxious and you really don’t know why.

Let’s look at 1 Peter 5:7 and see what it says,

Cast all your anxiety on him [Jesus] because he cares for you.

New International Version

Let’s look at another translation and see what it says.

Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.

The Message

How about another translation?

Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you.

The Passion Translation

One more translation.

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

New Living Translation

Wow, if none of those spoke to you in any way, then you really need to open your heart to God.

Cast all your anxiety on the Him? Throw away your anxiety. Throw it all to God. Never ask for it back.

Live carefree before God? You don’t need to be worried, anxious, fearful when you live with God. He cares for you and keeps you safe.

I mean really, pour out your worries to God? That seems to me like a ‘word vomit.’ The worry is all stuck inside of you and you finally just let it out as a big mess of words in one long rush.

Give all your worries to God? Literally hand them over. Release your grip on them. Don’t hold tightly to them, keeping them close to you.

Those aren’t even all the translations out there! Look how deep we went with just four different translations.

Are you worried? What are you going to do? I feel like most times I choose the ‘word vomit’ route, but that’s ok. However you connect with God is the best way to release all your worries to Him.

Remember that just because we have faith in God doesn’t mean that we will never worry about anything ever again. Worrying kind of comes with being human. Having faith in God does give us a way to be released from it.

Think about it, instead of being consumed by our worry, we get to give it all to the Creator of the world! Instead of letting it eat us alive, we get to have a conversation with God and just ask Him what to do.

Sure, I’m probably still going to have some worries, but I’m going to live in the mindset of “Hakuna Matata” because I’m releasing it all to God. What about you?