An Addiction or a ‘god’?

We often hide behind the word ‘addiction’, making it sound like it is something out of our control. An addiction is not something out of our control, but a ‘god’ that we have exalted above the one true God.

Recently I have been convicted with the fact that I have an addiction to technology. It would be easy for me to simply say in a defensive spirit, “everything is online, you expecting me not to live life?” But that would be hiding behind the word ‘addiction’, now wouldn’t it?

To be freed from such a thing I have to first admit that in reality I have raised technology up as my ‘god’. When I choose to spend more time on it than in the word or praying, I’m actually worshiping my cellphone or computer or whatever else.

Take a look at what Exodus 20:3 says.

“You shall have no other gods before me [God].” Exodus 20:3

New International Version

No other ‘gods’ before Him. Excuse me for a minute, I need to step on a few toes, mine included. Are we so busy trying to justify our ‘uncontrollable addiction’ that we can’t see that we’ve broken God’s command to have no other ‘gods’? Are we?

Yes, I am using a computer to write this post. If you could have seen the rest of my day, though, you would have seen me intentionally trying to do better about my tech time. It is hard, since there really is so much online anymore.

Just take a minute right now and identify your ‘addiction’. Now that you have that in mind, realize that it is a ‘god’. Our ‘gods’ most likely won’t be the same, but we all have one.

When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, He replied simply in Matthew 22:37.

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matthew 22:37

New International Version

I’m challenging you and me to take the time to ferret out the ‘gods’ that have been hiding in plain sight. Take away their dominion and give it back to the one who truly deserves it and owns it.

Once we do this, we can once again love the Lord with all our hearts and souls and minds. We just need to reclaim them for God. Declare with me today that we are going to give our all in all back to God.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help either. Do you really think it just popped into my mind that I am worshiping technology? No! My mom pointed it out to me, worried about me. Remember that the one pointing out such ‘gods’ is doing so for your good.

I want to pray over you and me since this won’t be a walk in the park for either of us.

Dear God, You see the things that we have given dominion in our lives. We know that we have allowed them to be our ‘gods’. I pray that You will help us to easily see these things and to begin removing their hold on us. We ask that You will help us to do this, for we cannot do it by our own strength. Thank You for Your mercy and love. Amen

It won’t be easy or comfortable, but the end result will be worth it. Keep me in prayer as I work through removing my own ‘god’. I am praying for you as well.