Does It Change You?

For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing even to the point of dividing soul from spirit, and joints from marrow; it is able to judge the desires and thoughts of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

New English Translation

When you think about scripture, do you ever consider the fact that it is active and alive? I’ve noticed something far too common and, honestly, very concerning within the church. A lot of people look at scripture as useful when they want it to be, necessary when they’re in trouble, and boring when they’re not interested. The number of times I have seen scripture taken out of context in the last four years is disturbing.

It frustrates me that people are willing to take on the label Christian but not even cherish the very gift God gave us to live as Christians. Adding on to that, people actually get mad when you teach from scripture and the facts in the Word of God makes them look bad. So, what do you think should happen? Scripture isn’t going to change to make you look any better so you’re only option is to change yourself.

In my opinion, someone who is willing to learn from scripture and to give it more than half a glance a day will always be changing. The people recorded in scripture were never done changing. Goodness, when Solomon thought he was all that and a bag chips with his knowledge he ended up writing about how depressing life is. Living like you’ve learned it all doesn’t sound too spectacular in my opinion… but maybe that’s just me.

So, the real question is, how should we be approaching scripture? Well, like the book of Hebrews points out, it is active and alive. That means that it is actively involved in forming and molding you into the person you are supposed to be… if you’ll listen. On top of that, it’s sharper than a two-edged sword. “What does that have to do with the price of beans in China?” you may ask. Well, a sword, especially a super crazy sharp one, is best used for stabbing and slicing things. So, the Word of God is stabbing at and slicing away at the unholy things in your life. And, yes, that is going to hurt… a lot. But what change doesn’t hurt? Even the change as your body grows hurts! If you’re expecting God to magically make you a better person without any discomfort on your part, you are insane.

The next time you open your Bible (which I hope is sooner rather than later), be ready and willing for God to point out some things you need to improve and how He wants you to do it. A person who is never changing is not living at their fullest. For you will always need to change as long as you are on this earth.