Why Read the Word?

You may have questioned whether you should watch another episode of your favorite tv show or read your Bible. Maybe it never even crossed your mind to read your Bible. But, have you thought about the importance of reading your Bible?

The Scripture is more than a bunch of words thrown on a page by some old guy back a thousand years ago. It’s a road map filled with wisdom. A Father’s words to His children to help them live wisely. If we do not spend time in the word, we will miss out on the guidance provided. It is difficult to live in wisdom when we lack the map to lead in that direction.

For Americans and others who have ready access to Bibles, we can take for granted the wonder we have at our finger tips. I often hear it called “boring” and “out dated.” However, truth is never out dated. Truth never ends.

When you live where the Word is outlawed, the Word becomes important, special even. How come when it can bring death, it is worth risking life and limb but when it is openly accessible it is left dusty on the table?

Can I urge you to take the Scripture seriously and spend time in it daily? You will learn so much about who God is and what you are supposed to do as a Christian. You will learn from the mistakes of those in the Bible, even those hailed as “a man after God’s own heart.” It lacks nothing. There is wisdom, love, war, scandal, and politics. Everything that we search for in entertainment is given in real life accounts in the Bible with lessons we can learn.

If you dig into the Word and spend time in it, you will see that it is not boring. It’s actually everything that you need and want. If you feel like God is far away, you’re likely not spending enough time with Him to get to know Him. Would you feel like you knew a person after spending 2 minutes with them? No! You feel like you know them after hours and days and years of spending time with them. God is no different.

Be in the Word so that you know the truth. If you are rooted in God’s Word, it will be more difficult for someone to lie to you and lead you away from God. Guard yourself by personally knowing God and His words. Be near the source so you can identify a liar.

Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

New Living Translation

The truth will set you free. Be in God’s Scripture. Be set free by the Word of God.