No Longer Separated

Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence. Ephesians 3:12 

New Living Translation

Why is it so significant that because of Jesus we can boldly enter the presence of the Lord? If you read in the Old Testament, you’ll realize that we used to be forbidden to enter His presence. Only a priestly representative could do so.

Remember, only the priests and Levites on duty may enter the Temple of the Lord, for they are set apart as holy. The rest of the people must obey the Lord’s instructions and stay outside. 2 Chronicles 23:6

New Living Translation

There was a veil in the Temple of the Lord that separated the people from the presence of the Lord. Only the priest could enter His presence.

When Jesus was on the cross, something wonderful and amazing happened. The Lord’s presence was made available for everyone everywhere.

Then Jesus shouted out again, and he released his spirit. At that moment the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. Matthew 27:50-51

New Living Translation

The veil (or curtain) was torn! The separation between God and man was ended. No longer do we need to have a mediator between us and God. At that moment, we were opened up to knowing the personal and wonderful God who created us.

Knowing that with Jesus’ sacrifice we can personally know God, why do we so often force a mediator between us and God? Sure, we need pastors to teach us, but we shouldn’t expect them to carry the load of our relationship with God. That isn’t even logically possible. To have a relationship with God, you need to do the heavy lifting. Don’t expect someone else to read the scripture, pray the prayer, and do the ministry for you.

How foolish! Can’t you see that faith without good deeds is useless? James 2:20

New Living Translation

See, your faith is useless (not true faith) if you don’t participate in it. Since faith involves an active relationship with God, you have to be cultivating a healthy relationship with God. It’s just like human relationships, you have to put time and effort into a healthy friendship.

I know you might be combatting what I’m saying with Paul’s teachings.

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. Ephesians 2:8-9

New Living Translation

However, Paul and James are not contradicting each other. Their teachings build upon each other.

The gift of salvation is something that we cannot earn (Paul). No matter what we do, we will never be good enough to earn this wonderful gift (Paul). Since we cannot earn it, we cannot take credit for it (Paul). Now that we have this gift, we need to use it or it’s pointless (James). Therefore, if we do not have deeds with our faith, it is dead (James).

I like to explain it this way, you may have a toothbrush, but if you don’t use it, what’s the point of having it? See, the dentist is not going to tell you “good job” for buying a toothbrush. He’s going to praise you for using it to keep your teeth from decaying.

The same is true with faith. You receive salvation, but you can’t just receive it. You have to use it. God’s not going to tell you “well done” for receiving salvation. He’s going to tell you “well done” for using it and working within it. By working within your faith and salvation, you keep it alive and active.

Do you often let others take the initiative when it comes to faith? Why? Are you scared to mess it up? Or do you prefer lazy faith? Let me assure you that God is not impressed with laziness and He’s right there for you to lean on if you are scared.

Step up and claim your faith as your own. Work within it and keep it alive. God’s right there. He can help you do it.