Every action made, every word spoken, every thing is seen by those around us. Sometimes, we influence others without even realizing we have that kind of power. We can be affecting an entire generation for the better or worse any second. Are we making each second count?
If you are anything like me, it can be easy to forget that others are watching you and observing you. For me, I spent so many years being unwanted, disliked, or ignored that it can be easy for me to simply assume no one outside my family sees me. Is that true? Not at all.
Specifically in the past month, I have had friends and acquaintances thank me for things I didn’t even realize they noticed. I didn’t realize how many people noticed me until then. That means each move I make is important. Nothing should be taken for granted.
Colossians 4:5-6 says,
Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. Colossians 4:5-6
New Living Translation
Do you realize that conversations you have on a daily basis could help or hurt someone on their journey to salvation? I would be lying if I said I always made sure to keep that in mind before doing anything.
What actions are we taking to make sure others know the difference Christ makes in our lives? Do we have an abundance of gratitude? Or are we always down? Do we make sure to brighten someone’s day? Or do we rain on everyone’s parade?
It can be easy to justify being upset or grouchy or anything else at times. Honestly, though, if we have to justify our actions, isn’t that the flashing lights of a police car indicating we’re in the wrong?
I am not perfect, let me get that out there now. If anything, I am a failure. I struggle with perspective on a fairly consistent basis. But, the reason I am not considered a failure by God is because I have recognized that I have issues and shortfalls and am actively pursuing His help in changing that. Are you? Do you admit that you have issues? Are you willing to change?
I want to challenge you to take up a new perspective over the next few days (weeks…years). It won’t be a surefire change right away, but a progress through a process is better than no progress at all. Look at each situation and find the positive, thank God for the little things. Sometimes, just to get myself out of self pity, I literally thank God for my pillow and my sheets. How much more simple could it be?
I challenge you to take my survey below and check off that you are joining in on this quest to be different. Maybe this new outlook of positivity is exactly what God needs from you to help your neighbor, best friend, or coworker find Him for the first time.