
You hate it, I hate it, everyone hates it. The one and only pie that no one begs for; humble pie.

Being knocked down a level or two where we belong can not only hurt but be incredibly embarrassing. Which is why we never like to admit when we are wrong. You’d probably be taken aback if I told you to be willing to let someone humble you. That’s why I’m not going to say that, I’m going to let James say that.

Be willing to be made low before the Lord and he will exalt you! James 4:10

The Passion Translation

“Be willing.” Another way that I think of it is “be ready.” You’re never going to be perfect and God always is. It is only logical to expect to be humbled a time or two… or twenty…thousand. I’m being real with you here.

How do you expect to grow if you aren’t ready for God to humble you? We automatically put up a guard that says in the lovely Emperor’s New Groove Kuzco way, “No touchy.” We don’t like being corrected and more often than not, we don’t want to be.

If we’re too busy rejecting correction, how can we grow in our walk with God? That’s where the change needs to happen. We need to prepare our hearts for the guidance that God either gives us one-on-one or through someone else. That doesn’t mean that we have to put up with someone being demeaning and rude, but we can still learn from someone that doesn’t handle it correctly.

Instead of going into all confrontations with a guard or chip on your shoulder, prepare yourself to learn. I’m not saying this is going to be an easy think-happy fix. You’re going to have to pray and ask God for help. There will be trial and error in this, and probably a few stumbles, but that doesn’t mean change isn’t happening.

Why do we want this change? As stated before, how can we grow if we bat down all correction? What if we are in a habit that will harm us? God can’t help us if we refuse to listen. What if God needs you to make a different decision so that you continue to spread His gospel?

I know this post rubbed a few readers the wrong way, but I am not about to apologize for speaking the truth that we all know. This post taught me a few things too, so let’s learn together.

Remember, today may be your last day. Do you have a relationship with Jesus?