Prayer Guide 2.0

My heart is hurting, and I’m sure yours is too. Afghanistan is going through horrors that no one ever deserves. Many of us are asking why anyone would have ever thought us leaving them so suddenly would work, I am asking those questions too. Even though this is terrible and did not have to happen, we cannot fall into anger.

The most help we personally can give the Afghan people is prayer. If we fall into the trap of anger and outrage, we will lose our focus on what we need to do. It is natural and normal to mourn for these people, though. Basically, don’t let emotions rule the day.

In this moment there are others we also need to pray for. The soldiers who are being sent to help need God’s hand of protection and guidance with them. They also need to have a hedge of spiritual protection from the dark evil that is heavy in Afghanistan.

Not only do the soldiers going to Afghanistan need prayer, but also those who previously served there. Imagine the pain they feel as they see everything they worked so hard for falling apart. A much deeper hurt runs too. The pain of knowing that their Afghan friends are likely to die.

Finally, pray for those who lost soldiers in Afghanistan. The pain they must feel at knowing they lost their loved one to protect Afghanistan just for America to give it all back. Their hearts need God’s comfort.

Join me in prayer; the following guide can help you get started.

  1. Pray for protection of Afghan Christians.
  2. Pray for protection of those resisting the take over.
  3. Pray for the incoming soldier; peace, protection, spiritual soundness.
  4. Pray for those who previously served in Afghanistan; healing of the wounds.
  5. Pray for our leaders that they will make wise decisions that honor God.
  6. Pray for those who lost soldiers in the past; healing of hurts, peace, encounters with God.
  7. Pray for the Taliban that they may encounter God and repent.
  8. Pray for those about to die who do not know Jesus; encounters, dreams, visions, and ultimately belief.

Now is not the time to sit back and say you cannot do anything to help. Now is the time to join together in prayer. God hears our pleas, David said it all the time in the Psalms. Let’s pray.