Princes and Princesses

A Note From Quill:

It has been wonderful sharing the keyboard in a sense with Ball. As you all have experienced over the years, time can be short. Since his days are becoming more and more filled with other necessary activities, this will be Ball’s last post for now. Thank you, Ball, for the studies you have brought us. May God bless you as you venture toward the future He has laid before you.

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A Matter of Life and Death

As we’ve effectively dealt with three out of three times so far in our study on Romans 8, we are sinners and Jesus Christ is our Savior. While studying Romans 8:1, we saw that Christ’s death paid the debt we earned with our sin, not just in the past and present, but also in the future. While studying Romans 8:2, we saw that because Jesus paid the price for all our sin, we no longer need to try secure our own salvation (which is impossible for us to do anyways). While studying Romans 8:3-4, we saw how this freedom was bought through Christ’s substitutionary death.

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